Carrie Jaffe, PhD
CJaffe PHD
Psych Assessment
What a Psych Assessment Can Tell You
Have you wondered if there’s a cognitive disorder causing you to feel one way or another? Do you question whether you’re going through a rough patch or if you’re clinically depressed? Rather than constantly questioning everything, you can schedule a psych assessment to tell you more about what’s happening.
During a psych assessment, you talk about your symptoms, what you’ve been dealing with, and how it’s affecting your life. This will make it easier for a psychologist to diagnose you. With the diagnosis, a treatment plan can be set up to help you move forward with your life.
Everyone is different and, therefore, everyone’s treatment plans are going to be different. At CJaffe PHD, we’re here to provide you with the assessment and help you to move forward. From counseling sessions to medication, there are plenty of ways to get you back on your feet.
You can also visit www.accurateassessmentsandiego.com for more information. Accurate Assessments of San Diego is Dr. Jaffe's assessment clinic.