Carrie Jaffe, PhD
CJaffe PHD
Therapist Near Me
How a Therapist Near Me Will Help You
It’s hard to deal with and overcome problems on your own. Whether you’re dealing with stress and anxiety, cognitive disorders, or even substance abuse, a therapist near me in San Diego can help. It will allow you to have someone to talk to about all that’s going on.
You might not be able to talk to friends or family members without feeling as though you’re being judged. However, you have to be able to talk to someone about what’s going on. By talking with a therapist on a regular basis, you can get things off of your chest.
A therapist near me is also going to provide insight into what’s going on. You can learn more about how to overcome various issues. If additional treatment is needed, the therapist will be able to recommend options to you.
It all starts with a call to CJaffe PHD. Let us help you by providing you with therapy when and where you need it.